Investment Properties, Hotels & Other Completed Commercial Properties - Offices, Retails, Serviced Apartments, And Hotels

Since 2003, Yanlord has been developing and acquiring high-quality commercial and integrated properties for long-term recurring income generation and investment purpose, such as shopping malls, offices, serviced apartments and hotels in the PRC and Singapore. As part of its strategy to generate additional and recurrent revenue streams, Yanlord retains some of its commercial and integrated developments as investment properties for lease in order to maximise long-term benefits from the growth potential of the selected commercial property segments in key cities. Yanlord plans to build up a portfolio of investment properties selectively and progressively, while continuing to grow its core property development business. In addition, we also hold a few completed commercial properties as fixed assets.

Suzhou Cangjie Commercial Plaza

Ganjiang East Road North, Cang Street East, Gusu District, Suzhou
Investment Properties, Hotel's & Other Completed Commercial Properties

Chengdu Yanlord Landmark

No.1, Second Section, Renmin South Road, Chengdu
Property Development Investment Properties, Hotel's & Other Completed Commercial Properties

Nanjing Yanlord Landmark

Jiangxin Island, Jianye District, Nanjing City
Investment Properties, Hotel's & Other Completed Commercial Properties

Tianjin Yanlord Riverside Plaza (Phase 1&2)
天津仁恒海河广场,一期及二期 – 住宅及综合办公楼

Northeast of the intersection of Dongma Road and Tongnan Road, Nankai District, Tianjin
Property Development Investment Properties, Hotel's & Other Completed Commercial Properties

Zhuhai Yanlord Marina Centre

1 South Lulu Road, Xiangzhou District, Zhuhai
Property Development Investment Properties, Hotel's & Other Completed Commercial Properties

Sanya Hai Tang Bay Resort (Land Parcel 9)
三亚海棠湾 – 9 号地块

98 Haitang North Road, Haitang District, Sanya
Property Development Investment Properties, Hotel's & Other Completed Commercial Properties